
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Saw Doc

Went and saw my doctor today b/c I needed to get a few things from him and he got on me big time b/c I stoped taking my anti depressents. He started me on a new one that said it shouldn't affect my sex drive like the old ones did. He also gave me sleeping pills because once again I have not been sleeping very well.

He also told me that feeling tired all the time is common b/c your body is using so much energy to fight the virus that you just don't have much energy for anything else. Told me it will take awhile for your body to find a balance spot and u might never have the full amount of energy you once had. If you are having any kind of problem like this talk to you doctor and ask for some help and see if they can give you anything to help.

Just wanted to put a note in that this coming Thur April 29 is Dine Out for Life. It is a one night thing where 100 participating resturants pledge to donate atleast 25% of proceedes to The Center's HIV/AIDS services and prevention program. Everyone check it out
Here is the link

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I know

Wow I am getting horrible about this. I can't believe I have not been updating anymore often. I need to set up a reminder on my phone which reminds me to do this atleast every few days or so.

So nothing new really is going on. I'm not sleeping worth a damn which isn't anything new. I just stay awake thinking which dosn't allow me to calm down and sleep. Oh ya I still don't have any real orders to a new unit or anything or know what I will be doing.

Main reason I wanted to do this tonight is so I could put some links to some videos I found which do a good job of explaining things.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


So I think this blog should be more about me... I am still going to use it to help other Military members that are in the same spot I am in but so far I have left most of my private life out of it.

I talked to some members of my family tonight back east (south, cause I'm a souther boy) and it made me relize how much I miss them and wish I had told them. I am not ready to tell my family yet that I am HIV +. I just don't understand how to tell my family that I am HIV +. I do miss them and I feel so bad about not telling them. People tells me I need to tell my family but I am not ready. I want ya'll to know that I am not personally not ready but that might not be the right thing for everyone. If you feel like your family should know and would be ready for it then more power too you. I will look up links and post them at a later date on how to tell you family so that it might help you. Right now in my life I don't think my family would understand very well and it makes it hard because I am very close to my family and they are number 1 in my life but I am not ready to let them on. So if you fell like you want to tell your family and they will understand then go ahead because it will only help in the long run I hope.

I did get pissed today because I was at the pool sunning and read the pool rules while I was there and they really made me mad. One of them stated "Persons with a Infectious Disease are not allowed to use pool". That really kinda upset me. People need a lesson when they write those things. A person with HIV has a Infectious Disease but anyone who knows anything about HIV knows that it can not be passed that way. HIV virus dies as soon as it hits water or air but it is still considered a Infectious Disease. Sorry that just kinda made me mad and upset and relize that the general people don't accept people like me and I wish I could give them a lesson.

So there is my blog for the day, not really much to say. If ya'll have a topic I should hit on please let me know

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Been awhile

It has really been awhile since I have posted. I kept meaning to getting around to it just been lazy and forgot. Nothing new is really going on except that I still do not have new orders from the Marine Corps about my new position since I can no longer stay with a deployable unit. It seems that they do not get into a hurry over it. I guess it is fine by me because that just means less work I actually have to do. Talked to a fellow Marine I meet in my first week of classes the other day and he still hasn't gotten his either so I don't feel so bad or forgotten.

Other then that nothing else is really going on except I am happy in my relationship. I finally found someone who is special and excepts me for me and who is able to help support me through all this. I meet this person in my 2nd week of classes and we seem to be very happy together. We get into our little arguments and whatnot that any couple gets into but I just feel like they help to make our relationship stronger.

Also still waiting on word from my BAH package. I really hope it gets approved because I could use the extra income so I don't seem so broke all the time. I don't know if it will or not but all I can do is keep my fingers crossed.

This is still ben kind of a hard transition. There isn't a day that I don't wake up thinking to myself that I have HIV. Sometimes I sitll wonder what is going to happen next. Even when I try not to think about it, it is still there in the back of my mind nagging at me and like alittle rain cloud that just follows me around all the time. I guess all I can do is try to make the best of it and hope it gets easier with time. Luckly with my relationship we are both HIV + so I don't have to worry about hiding that from someone close to me.

Well I guess that is about it for now. If anyone can help me figure a way to get this blog out there so more people can see it so it might be of some help for someone please let me know.