
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sorry it took so long to update...

I know it has now been a week since I have posted and I am sorry.

In the past week I have finished my 2nd week of classes at the Naval Medical Hospital and alot of other things. My best friend flew out here from North Carolina b/c her bf was working up in LA and his company flew her out here which was awesome. I went up to Long Beach where they were staying on wed night (a really hard day for me). On Thur we went up to Hollywood or however you spell it and had a wonderful time. It was nice to get my mind off of things and not have to worry about everything that was going on. Firday we went to Santa Monica pier and around in that area and had lots of fun. On Saturday my bestfriend and her bf followed me down to San Diego and stayed in the hotel on my base and we went to the zoo which was freaking awesome. Only problem I had is I wanted to take all the animals home. The best part about the zoo is someone very special to me meet me there and the 4 of us had a great day and then for dinner we all went to Dick's Last Resort. On Sunday my bestfrind her bf, and I all did a tour of the USS Midway which was really neet because I'm not Navy so it was interesting in seeing how they live or use to live. The past few days I have been staying with a very special person who I care alot about and who has taken me in and cared for me for the person I am. This person is HIV+ like me so we can be ourselfs around eachother and not worry about judgement. It has really been a blissful week or so where I don't really have to worry about much except taking care of myself and keeping myself healthy.

I really do feel bad that it has taken me this long to update and I promise it won't take me this long again.

I really need some help on how to get this blog out there b/c I want people to read it really other military members so they know they are not alone and there our others out there like them. I really want to use this negitive thing that happened and turn it around into a positive in my life and in others. If ya'll know how I can get this out so others can read it please let me know.

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