I have been doing a lot of advice post recently and I really enjoy them but I think now is a great time to do more of a personal blog.
I want to start out by saying thank you to all who have reached out and shown your support for what I am trying to accomplish here, and for voicing concerns about how I have been holding up.
Now let me be honest with you... I have had my share of good days and bad days and that is to be expected. Some days I get up and I am ready to take on the world, while other days it is hard to find the strength to get up at all. For the most part I am doing alright given my situation.
As some of you may already know I was also diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder not long after finding out I was HIV positive. Yes I do believe finding out I HIV positive contributed to this. Just like with the HIV I do not let these other problem control me or how I live my life. I am on medication and seeing a councelor to help keep everything in check so nothing to worry about.
If I post a blog that is kind of depressing or down, it is not because I am always depressed. Most of the time it is as simple as I had something on my mind and I wanted to share it.
So to sum it up and answer the inital question.
Mentally I am doing alright. Actually I am doing better than I have in a long time but I still have my moments where I want to throw a pitty party for myself and that only last a short while. I get up, pull my big boy pants up and try to do something constructive.
Physically I am back in the gym and have dropped close to 30lbs since I started a vegitarian diet. I feel great on it. My joints are starting to ache on a regular basis and I know that could be caused from the virus making them swell and I have plans on talking to my ID Doctor about it at my next appointment.
So see nothing to worry about, I will continue to be strong and push forward.
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