I know I am doing multiple post today but I had a few different topics I wanted to discuss and did not want to make one long post that jumps from subject to subject.
How many of you are open and upfront about your HIV status when talking to someone? Me for example, I have it listed online on certain sites so it is right there in the open for everyone to see. I find that I personally would rather have it known from the beging than to start talking to someone and have to tell them as we are getting serious and risk them rejecting me because they are scared. Now I respect everyones decisions and opinions about not wanting to date someone who is positive, but I just want it known from the begining so that it is already out in the open.
What I never understood are these guys who put in their profiles that they are negative but then I get a message and they tell me they are also positive. In my opinion it is guys like that who are not honest and risk passing it on. I get that they do it because of the bad rep that goes along with HIV but if you say you are negative and start talking to someone and then tell them that you are actually positive, they are more likely to want nothing to do with you cause you were lying from the begining.
This brings me to the people who put no status... When you have no status down people are automatically going to assume that you are positive and just to scared to admit it.
Personally I want to deal with someone who is upfront and honest about it from the begining. If people would just be honest with eachother about their status than we could cut back on HIV transmission dramatically. I mean I never slept with a guy who said he was HIV positive but look what happened, I still got it. So if he would of just been honest about his status upfront then things might of turned out a little differently for me.
I dont want this to happen to anyone else like it did me so I am ALWAYS upfront and honest about my status before anything sexually happens.
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