
Monday, May 16, 2011


So about a month ago I was asked by JD Smith to write a story for a book being released by OutServe. I wrote about my experiences being gay and having HIV in the military. I wasn't expecting too much out of it and I wasn't really expecting my story to be picked but today I got news. I got a email from JD today saying that my story made the cut from the publisher and the book is schedualed to be released after the repeal of DADT. I should be getting the edited version of my story back sometime this week or next. I will try to post the story if they allow me too.


  1. good on you for speaking out. make sure they dont edit your story too much. I did one for BBC many years back and had to work on editing the edits :) be sure you get the story you want to put across.

    1. So sorry it took me so long to see this. My story was not published in the OutServe book, I was never told why. I was later asked if I could do a story for Out Network and they did publish it on their website.
