
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Maybe it is just me...

Does anyone else get a little offended when someome makes a joke about getting "the hiv"???

I understand that not all people know but when it is friends who know your status, I find it distacefil.  I would really like to hear back from what other people feel like when a friend makes a joke about "the hiv".  In my opinion it is no different than a a White guy calling a Black guy by the N-word.  I  am guilty of making jokes at my own expence but that is more due to the fact that if I cant joke about it sometimes then I would keep it bottle up and that would not be good at all.  I know for a fact they ment no harm in it and they probanly totally forgot about my status because we dont talk about it very oftens just because I dont want a pitty parry.

I think I have posted this before but it is such good advice I am going to share it again... One of my mentors right after I was diagnoised told me "Brian you are going to have up days and down days, right now it will seem like you will be having more bad days than anything.  There is nothing wrong with spending a day having a pitty party, but as soon as it is over get up and force yourself to stay busy.

So tonight I am having my pitty party in bed, but when I wake up in the morning it is a new day and I will leave my worries far behind.  There is nothing wronge whats so ever to feel this way just as long as you recognize it and you can push through it.

Just take the time to watch this video.  I know it is a bout a break up but I can relate to it on a whole nother levesl, and I am sure more than one else of you can as well.

I heard this song for the first time on the radio tonight And it pulled at a heart-string.

Remember when you are done feeling sorry for yourself get the fuck up and make yourself do something.  I do anything I want and do not let this diagnosis rule my life or restrict what I can or can not do.

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